
I used to be so uncomfortable in my body.

I know how it feels to be stuck in a body that doesn't feel or look the way you want it to. I started feeling that way in 5th grade when I was one of the heaviest kids in my class. I was called big boned, curvy and full figured. I always wanted to look and feel better but no matter how healthy I ate or how much I exercised, I was stuck.
After a diagnosis of Hashimotos Thyroiditis in 2001, I hoped thyroid medication would change everything but I still struggled.
After decades of settling for feeling just OK, I became determined to heal my Hashimotos and get lean and strong.
I resolved to live the rest of my life feeling f*cking amazing.

This is me now at 50.

I figured out the key to optimal health after 40. I wake up every morning thankful to be in my body. I love feeling energetic and clearheaded every day. I feel stronger and leaner turning 51 than I did in my 20’s when I was a marathon running vegan.

We do not need to live in stretchy pants and long shirts for the rest of our lives. There is nothing wrong or broken about us, it’s our modern industrial diet that has conditioned our body to become inflamed, crave sugar, store fat and feel tired and moody all of the time. This can be quickly reversed. We can reset our physiology to work the way nature intended!

The best part of feeling this good is that I am not wasting my precious time, energy or brilliance on worrying about my weight or how I look in a bathing suit. No more hiding behind the kids in family photos or cringing when I catch a glimpse of myself getting out of the shower.

As a result, every other area of my life has improved…my marriage, my career, parenting, friendships and just my overall happiness.

No matter your age or circumstance you can and DESERVE to feel amazing in your body, look great naked, and feel empowered to become the best version of yourself in every area of your life.

I have years and years of education and practice helping people to find optimal health and decades of relentlessly searching for answers on how to be in a body that looked and felt amazing.

I want to help each and every one of you to do the same!

Xo. Sarah


“I literally never thought it was possible to have the body I always wished for that was strong and super lean WITHOUT being hungry but right now, my skinniest jeans are baggy on me.  “— former client age 46

“…On a scale 1-10, I went from a 5 before we started to an 8-9 after…Key improvements for me have been: more energy, improved sleep, less bloating and achy joints, and improved patience”—former client age 50